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Tuesday, 16 July 2024 07:13

Final presentation for first-year students

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On Saturday, March 16, 2024, the final presentation was held for the exercise on developing student skills in analyzing and shaping three-dimensional forms, while dealing with a simplified function of creating forms in an open area representing a public gathering. The teaching staff for the first-year included:

  • Dr. Mustafa Kamel - Coordinator
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Brizat Qasim
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aseel Ibrahim
  • Dr. Bashar Shamil
  • Dr. Mustafa Khudair
  • M.Sc. Vian Abdulbasir
  • M.Sc. Inas Ali Salman


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Tuesday, 16 July 2024 06:24

Participation of the Architecture Engineering Department in the final qualifiers of the "Three Minute Thesis" competition, 3MT UOT-2024.

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In the presence of the honorable President of the University of Technology and the esteemed Assistant President for Academic Affairs, along with several respected department heads and academic advisors, the final round of the "Three Minute Thesis" competition, 3MT UOT-2024, concluded. Awards were distributed to the winners, and Master's student Marwa Jawad Kazem, under the supervision of Dr. Yahya Adel Ibrahim from the Department of Architecture Engineering, received an honorary certificate for reaching the final stage of the competition. We wish the student continued success.

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Tuesday, 16 July 2024 06:10

Participation of the Architecture Engineering Department in a scientific seminar at Al-Mustansiriya University.

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 Based on the principle of mutual scientific collaboration between universities and state institutions, and upon a gracious invitation from the Deanery of the College of Engineering and the Architecture Engineering Department at Al-Mustansiriya University, Dr. Ahmed Luay Ahmed, Head of the Architectural Design Department, delivered a lecture titled "(Adoption and Implementation of Building Information Modeling BIM in the Construction Industry in Iraq)" during the scientific seminar on Information Modeling and Sustainable Architectural Design held on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

The lecture covered several key topics including raising awareness about the importance of adopting and implementing BIM systems, its components, the anticipated benefits of its application in project execution in Iraq while keeping pace with global standards and dimensions of maturity, collaborative processes associated with it, and the challenges and opportunities that can be leveraged to facilitate its implementation in construction projects in Iraq.

The seminar concluded with Dr. Ahmed Luay Ahmed being awarded a certificate of appreciation from Professor Malik Jasim Farhan, the Dean of the College of Engineering, presented by Dr. Aswaq Fadhil Al-Amiri, Head of the Architecture Engineering Department. Faculty members and students of the department attended the seminar.

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Wednesday, 03 July 2024 09:24

"Workshop in the Department of Architecture"

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Workshop held in the Department of Architecture at the Technological University, titled "Architecture of Meaning: Analytical Reading of the Iraqi Pavilion Design Excellence Competition at an International Exhibition". The workshop featured an online session with Mr. Zafar Maan representing the Diwan Office and the Excellence Award, who graciously delivered an informative lecture to students about the history of the award and current competition requirements. Following this, Dr. Nagham Ahmed Al-Qaisi and Dr. Bashar Shamil gave a lecture on meaningful architecture and designing buildings with ethical values.



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Wednesday, 03 July 2024 09:19

"Exhibition for the presentation of Audio Services course for the fourth-year students."

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A presentation of the fourth-year students' audio services material was held at the Department of Architecture on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024. An exhibition of students' posters was organized in the department's lobby. The aim of the exercise was to highlight the vital role of lighting in historical and heritage buildings, its contribution to providing a comfortable and safe environment for residents and visitors, as well as emphasizing the architectural landmarks by ensuring optimal distribution for ideal balance between general and local lighting to meet different lighting needs in various spaces within the building. This enhances the aesthetics, value, and functional performance of the place while reducing eye strain and increasing focus and productivity.




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Wednesday, 03 July 2024 09:17

"Recognition of an employee in the Department of Architecture Engineering upon her retirement."

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A staff member in the Department of Architecture was honored upon retirement by the respected head of the Department, Dr. Ibrahim Jawad Kazem, in the presence of the scientific assistant, faculty, and staff members. Mrs. Huda Abbas Nasser, the senior technical manager, was honored for her retirement, and she was presented with a certificate of appreciation and a shield in recognition of her dedicated and persevering efforts throughout her years of service in the department. We wish the retired staff member good health and continued success in her endeavors.




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Wednesday, 03 July 2024 09:09

"A student from the Department of Architecture Engineering won third place in the Fifth Graduation Projects Festival at the Technological University."

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A student in the Department of Architecture won third place in the graduation projects festival at the University of Technology, under the patronage of the respected president of the University, Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ghoban. With direct supervision from the respected assistant president for scientific affairs and postgraduate studies, Dr. Khawla Salah Khushan, the final stage of the fifth edition of the graduation projects competition for completed stages 2023-2024 commenced.

The Department of Architecture won with the project "The Scientific Exploratory City of Baghdad" by student Zainab Shakir Habib, supervised by Dr. Basim Hassan Hashim, Associate Professor Anwar Sabahi Ramadan, Associate Professor Adi Abbas Aboud, and Mr. Najah Anwar Zaki.

Congratulations to the student on this achievement, and we wish her every success.



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Wednesday, 03 July 2024 08:35

"The final presentation exhibition for the Interior Spaces Design course for third-year students."

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Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jawad Kazem, the head of the Architecture Department, a final presentation exhibition was held for third-year students of Interior Spaces Design, supervised by Dr. Shamael Mohammad Wajih Aldabbagh, the assistant professor. The exhibition took place on Sunday, May 5, 2024, showcasing various designs including commercial, entertainment, and cultural spaces. These ranged from museum displays, art galleries, cultural and educational spaces like libraries, reading halls, and meeting rooms, to childcare centers, commercial outlets, entertainment venues, and restaurants. The teaching staff included:

Dr. Shamael Mohammad Wajih Aldabbagh,

Dr. Aseel Ibrahim,

Dr. Sura Qasim,

Dr. Ataa Hasan,

asst. lect. Shahad Abdulabbas,

asst. lect. Sahar Riyadh,

and Engineer Hala Maytham.

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Wednesday, 26 June 2024 09:30

An event for third-year professors and students

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In conjunction with the final presentation in Architectural Design for third-year students, an event was
organized by the students, attended by department assistants, distinguished faculty members, and some
guests. This celebration, held on Thursday, May 9, 2024, honored the retirement of Dr. Safaa Al-Din Al-
Samaraie, the head of the architectural design department, expressing gratitude for his dedicated efforts

towards the department and its students across all academic levels.


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Wednesday, 26 June 2024 09:24

The final presentation for third-year students in the Architectural Design course, titled Children Hospital and Autism Center

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The final presentation for third-year students in the Architectural Design course, titled "Children's
Hospital and Autism Center," occurred on Thursday, May 9, 2024. The project aimed to introduce
students to healthcare facilities in general, particularly focusing on autism centers and rehabilitation for
addicts, emphasizing the standards and criteria specific to healthcare buildings in terms of functionality,
construction, and environmental aspects. The design team comprised Dr. Safaa Al-Din Al-Samaraie, Dr.
Shamael Mohammad Aldabbagh, Dr. Zeinab Hussein Raouf, Dr. Enas Salem Abdulhadi, Asst. Dr. Venus
Suleiman, Asst. Dr. Sura Qasim, Dr. Khansa Ghazi Rashid, Asst. Dr. Yahya Adel, Asst. Dr. Mohammed

Basim, and Asst. Dr. Ataa Hasan.


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