Department Presidency


Department Council 


Prof. Dr.Abaas Ali Hamzaa / The Dean 


Assistant Prof.Dr. Moufid Ihsan Shauk / Dean Assistant for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies .


Lecturer  Dr.Yahya Adel Ibraheem / Dean Assistant for Administrative  Affairs and Students.


Assistant Prof.Dr. Zainab Hussain / Head of the Architectural Design Branch


Lecturer.Dr. Lina Ganem Yacoub / Head of the Urban Design Branch


Lecturer.Dr. Nagham Ahmed Al-Qaysi/ Representative Of The Faculty Members Staff


Msc. Noor Rashid Shubib/ The Rapporteur.


College Dean

Name: Prof. Dr. Abaas Ali Hamzaa

Date of appointment: 4 \ 2 \ 2025

General Specialty: Architectural Engineering

Subspecialty: The philosophy and theories of Architecture

Dean assistant of scientific affairs and higher studies

Name:  Lecturer. Dr . Mufeed Ihsan Shok

Date of appointment: 18\12\2019

General Specialty: Architectural Engineering

Subspecialty: Urban designer

Dean assistant of administrative and students affairs

Name: Dr.Yahya Adel Ibraheem

Date of appointment:  22\2\2024

General Specialty:  Architectural Engineering

Subspecialty:  Architecture and Environment

Head of the Architectural Design Branch

Name: Assistant Prof.Dr. Zainab Hussain

Date of appointment: 29/1/2025

General specialty: Architectural Engineering

Subspecialty: Architecture Technology


Head of the Urban Design Branch

Name: Lecturer.Dr. Lina Ganem Yacoub

General specialty: Architectural Engineering

Subspecialty: Architectural Design

Faculty members representative

Name: Lecturer.Dr. Nagham Ahmed Al-Qaysi

General Specialty: Architectural Engineering

Subspecialty: Theory of Architecture



Name:  Msc. Noor Rashid Shubib

General Specialty: Master of Science in Mathematics

Subspecialty: Applied Mathematics



