Research published by the teaching staff 2016



Searches name

Researcher name


Year of Publication


The impoact of using BIM based building performance analysis for housing projects in iraq

Hussein ali hasan

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Building and Construction Engineering and Environment / University of Technology + American University of Beirut

 17-18 / 10/ 2015


Modern techniques of building materials

and their role in environmental treatments for

contemporary design

Hadeel mowafaq mahmoud

Publication of Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Urban Development / University of Babylon

Special issue for the conference

15-16 / 12/ 2015

Sura qasim amin

Ghada ghalib abdulwahab


Environment and its relationship

to activating the role of clean technology in the city

Hadeel mowafaq mahmoud

Publication of Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Urban Development / University of Babylon

Special issue for the conference

15-16 / 12/ 2015

Ameera khalaf lafta


The Engineers Syndicate as a regulator of the strategy of directing the pressure on the responsible bodies, both legislatively and operationally

Bilal samir ali 

 Aws jwad jaafar


Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of Iraqi Architects



The impact of building information modeling on the quality of consultancy work

Aws jwad jaafar

Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of Iraqi Architects / Iraqi Engineer Syndicate



The quality of architectural education as a strategic framework to support and promote the architectural profession

Ahmed talib hameed

Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of Iraqi Architects / Iraqi Engineer Syndicate



The use of environmental design processors from the design process stages in the dry and dry areas

Younis mahmoud mohammes saleem

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Issue no. (1) march 2016


Strategy for Simulation of Traditional Architectural Models to Achieve Environmental Sustainability - The Model of the Courtyard Model

Abbas ali hamza

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Issue no. (1) march 2016

Qais abdulhussein abbas


The impact of sacred sites in the privacy of the city

Khansaa ghazi rasheed

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Issue no. (1) march 2016


Thermal environmental treatments for residential buildings in oil field sites

Younis mahmoud mohammes saleem

Mustafa kamil kadhim

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Issue no. (1) march 2016


Basic standards for the development of architectural education programs (Department of Architecture - University of Technology) mode

Mustafa kamil kadhim

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Issue no. (1) march 2016


Indicators of creative thinking patterns in the architectural design and shapes of the designer's direction

Jasim mohammed nima

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Issue no. (1) march 2016


Sustainable transport and urbanization

sanaa sati abbas

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology



The image of architecture in the city of Baghdad during the period of Mamluk rule according to the foreign traveler's thoughts

Parizat qasim Hussein fahmi

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology



Sustainable economic housing indicators in local housing projects

Safauldeen Hussein ali

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Volume 34 Issue 4 of 2016


Environmental management as an input to sustainable  with a reference to the reality of sustainable development in Iraq development

Ameera khalaf lafta

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Volume 34 Issue 4 of 2016



دور التقنية الرقمية في اثراء القيم الجمالية لواجهات المباني التجارية (مؤثرات الانبعاث الضوئي المرئي لواجهات الشوارع التجارية)

Basher ahsmil kadhim

Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Applied Arts / Faculty of Applied Arts / Central Technical University

 25-26 / 4 / 2016

Ghada ghalib abdulwahab



The role of digital technology in enriching the aesthetic values of the facades of commercial buildings (visual emission effects of commercial street fronts

Ibrahim jawad kadhim

Iraqi Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Technology

Volume 34 Issue 10 of 2016

Bilal samir ali 



The impact of the concepts adjacent to creativity on the detailed path of the creative process

Basim hasan hashim

Al - Muthanna Engineering & Technology Magazine

Volume 1 Issue 5 of 2016

The impact of the concepts adjacent to creativity on the detailed path of the creative process

Ahmed hashim hameed



Adaptation to reuse in buildings of value by adopting change in the movement system

Asmaa mohammed Hussein abdul razzaq

Journal of Engineering and Technology / University of Technology

Volume 34 Issue 6 of 2016

Shamael mohammed wajih


Impact of the Scamper program in the development of creative thinking patterns among architecture students

Jasim mohammed nima

Journal of Engineering and Technology / University of Technology

Volume 34 Issue 6 of 2016


Characteristics of the buildings of modern monuments in the city

Wahda shukur mahmoud

Journal of Engineering and Technology / University of Technology

Volume 34 Issue 6 of 2016


دور الشريط الجيني في تصنيف المباني

اسماء محمدحسين عبدالرزاق

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 10 للعام 2016


الاكتظاظ الحضري في المدن العراقية

انوار صبحي رمضان

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 10 للعام 2016


اثر مسجد الكوفة في نمو وتوزيع استعمالات الارض للمدينة المقدسة

صفاء الدين حسين علي

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 10 للعام 2016


دور نظم العقيدة الاسلامية في تشكل العمارة

عبدالل سعدون سلمان

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 10 للعام 2016


الداخل والخارج في المراكز التجارية

مهدي صالح فرج

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 10 للعام 2016




دور الترابطية في تكامل البنى الخضراء للمدن

وحدة شكر محمود

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 10 للعام 2016

ندى عبدالمعين حسن

طيبة عبدالله محمد


تطبيقات تكنولوجيا محاكاة الفعاليات الاحيائية في الواجهات المتحركة

وجدان ضياء عبدالجليل

مجلة الهندسة / جامعة بغداد

المجلد 22 العدد 10 لشهر تشرين الاول 2016




Theory Effects on the formation of Features for Traditiuon Architecture

باسم حسن هاشم

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 11 للعام 2016

احمد هاشم حميد

سعاد خليل ابراهيم


Form Usage and Meaning in Architectural Educational Projects

ابراهيم جواد كاظم

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 12 للعام 2016


امكانات وابعاد مفهوم التمكين المجتمعي المستدام في عملية التصميم والتخطيط الحضري للمدن في العراق

لبنى رحيم تركي

مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا / الجامعة التكنولوجية

المجلد 34 العدد 12 للعام 2016


الهياكل البايولوجية في العمارة المعاصرة - اعمال المعمار كالاترافا انموذجاً

علي محسن جعفر الخفاجي

مجلة الهندسة / جامعة بغداد


تمارة عادل محمود

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