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Sunday, 19 January 2020 08:15

Postgraduate Seminars Discussions (Architectural Design and Architectural Technology) Featured

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For the second day consecutively ,postgraduate seminar discussions held at the architectural Engineering department (research stage) -Architectural Design and Architectural Technology  (First Seminar) on Thursday 16/1/2020 with  the presence of the Head of the architecture department, Dr. Safaa Al-Din Hussein ,the Scientific Assistant of the Department, Dr. Mufeed Ihsan Al-Shouk in addition to the Assistant prof. Dr.Abbas Ali Hamza the director of higher studies unit and  Dr. Ali Mohsen, Dr. Asmaa Mohamed, Dr. Bassim Hassan, Dr. Younis Mahmoud, Dr. Perizat Qasim, Dr. Qais Abdul Hussein, Dr. Shamail Muhammad and Dr. Zeinab Hussein as members .

































Last modified on Sunday, 19 January 2020 08:17

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