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Saturday, 25 January 2020 20:11

The second consecutive examination at The Department of Architecture for postgraduate studies

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The Department of Architecture continues to hold  the first semester exam for postgraduate studies (the second consecutive examination), with the participation of 30 students( master studies)  classified  between the Urban Design section that already examined in  ( Urban Climate Environment ) subject , the Architectural Design section that examined in Islamic Architecture subject and the Technology section that examined  in  architectural technology subject . Wishing all success to our students.



































Wednesday, 22 January 2020 06:48

Architecture Department Council Meeting

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The Department of Architectural Engineering held a meeting of the Department’s Council on Sunday, 19 of January 2020 headed by Dr. Safa Al-Din Hussein head of the Department. The meeting attended by the Scientific Assistant Dr. Mufid Ihsan, the Administrative Assistant Dr. Mahdi Saleh, Dr. Abbas Hamza the head of the Higher Studies Committee, Dr. Ali Mohsen head of the Scientific Committee, Prof. Sanaa Satee head of the Promotions Committee, Architecture Department Rapporteur Dr. Lina Ghanem, Dr. Qais Abdul Hussein head of the Quality Division as members. During the meeting, the most important issues related to postgraduate  and undergraduate studies were discussed aiming at serving our department and students.

































Wednesday, 22 January 2020 06:35

First semester exams for postgraduate studies in Architecture Department

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First semester exams for postgraduate studies (Doctorate - Masters Degrees) was held at The Department of Architecture for postgraduate studies with the participation of 39 students, classified  between the master  and doctorate  studies according to the schedule timings set by the department, the exam started at nine o’clock in the morning.  The first exam was for doctorate students in the subject of Architecture Philosophy. The Master students - Urban Design section examined in housing theory. Architectural design section (Master) examined in theory of architecture. Architectural technology examined on the subject of architectural theory, wishing all success of our students. 

































Sunday, 19 January 2020 08:15

Postgraduate Seminars Discussions (Architectural Design and Architectural Technology)

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For the second day consecutively ,postgraduate seminar discussions held at the architectural Engineering department (research stage) -Architectural Design and Architectural Technology  (First Seminar) on Thursday 16/1/2020 with  the presence of the Head of the architecture department, Dr. Safaa Al-Din Hussein ,the Scientific Assistant of the Department, Dr. Mufeed Ihsan Al-Shouk in addition to the Assistant prof. Dr.Abbas Ali Hamza the director of higher studies unit and  Dr. Ali Mohsen, Dr. Asmaa Mohamed, Dr. Bassim Hassan, Dr. Younis Mahmoud, Dr. Perizat Qasim, Dr. Qais Abdul Hussein, Dr. Shamail Muhammad and Dr. Zeinab Hussein as members .

































Thursday, 16 January 2020 13:40

Head of the Architectural Department Participation in the Discussion of A Doctoral Thesis At A University Of Baghdad

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Assistant Prof.Dr. Safaa Al-Din Hussein the head of the Architectural Department participated in the discussion of doctoral thesis titled: (The role of economic factor in the urban transformations) .The student (Hadeel Thamer Al-Khuzai) granted a doctoral degree at Department of Architecture at the University of Baghdad on Tuesday ,January 14, 2020
































Thursday, 16 January 2020 13:35

Postgraduate Seminars Discussions at the Architectural Department

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Postgraduate seminar discussions held at the architectural department  (research stage) -Urban Design section (First Seminar) on Wednesday, 1/15/2020 by  Urban committee  headed by the Scientific Assistant of the Department, Dr. Mufeed Ihsan Al-Shouk in addition to prof. Dr. Sanaa Sate , Assistant. Prof. Dr.Wehda Shukr , Assistant.prof. Dr.Rawa Fawzi ,Assistant Prof. Dr. Khansa Ghazi and Assistant Lecturer. Nada Khalil as members.

































Thursday, 16 January 2020 01:46

Head of the Architectural Department Visit To The Essaouira Air Base Rehabilitation Site

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Dr. Safaa El-Din Hussein the head of the Architecture department accompanied by a delegation from the university’s faculty members and the Korean implementing company staff visited the rehabilitation site of Essaouira Air Base on Saturday 11/1/2020.

The visit comes as a representation of Dr. safaa being a member in the consulting team of Engineering and Scientific Consulting Office - University of Technology to supervise the implementation work.

































Tuesday, 14 January 2020 06:56

Master of Science Thesis Discussion Titled (Moderation As A Value And Its Impact On The Formation Of Arab Islamic Architecture).

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The Student ((Karar Nadhim Hammud) at the Department of Architecture has been granted M.Sc. degree on his thesis titled (((Moderation As A Value And Its Impact On The Formation Of Arab Islamic Architecture).

The discussion committee was headed by Prof. Abbas Ali Hamza and included each of; Prof. Fawzi Saad  Tumaa , Dr. Dr. Qais Abdul Hussein Abbas as members

The thesis supervised by Dr. Prof. Mahdi Saleh Faraj and Prof. Dr. Ali Musa Hussein




Tuesday, 14 January 2020 06:51

Master of Science Thesis Discussion Titled (Integration Of Design Systems In The Train Station Building)

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The Student ((Ammar Karim Dhamad) at the Department of Architecture has been granted M.Sc. degree on his thesis titled (Integration Of Design Systems In The Train Station Architecture).

The discussion committee was headed by Prof. Abbas Ali Hamza and included each of; Prof. Mahdi Saleh Faraj and Dr. Raed Fawzi Muhammad Amin as a member

The thesis supervised by Dr. Abdullah Saadoun Al-Mamouri

































Tuesday, 14 January 2020 06:46

Doctorate Discussion Of Science Thesis Titled ((Contemporary Features Of Local Architecture))

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The Student (Sura Qasim Amin) at the Department of Architecture has been granted the doctorate degree on her thesis titled ((Contemporary Features Of Local Architecture)).

The discussion committee was headed by Prof. Dr. Sabah Abdel Latif Mushatat

And included each of Dr. Abbas Ali Hamza, Dr.Sabeih Lafta Farhan , Dr. Abdullah Saadon Al Mamouri and Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Ali Rashid as members.

The thesis supervised by prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jawed Kadhim and Dr. Ali Musa Hussein
































