Monday, 14 May 2018 08:08

The Graduate Follow-up Unit holds a workshop Featured

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In the attending of the Head of the Department prof Dr. Ibrahim Jawad Khadem, Assistant Head of Department for Scientific Affairs and asst prof Dr. Bassem Hassan Hashim, Assistant Head of Department for Administrative Affairs, and a group of students and Dr. Abdullah Saaadon Salman with teaching staff.

 The Graduation Unit held a workshop entitled “Parmetry design and contemporary applications “ . 

The workshop that includes the research and discussion of a set of issues as the following scopes : 

  • First scope :- Introduction to the parametric design.
  • Second scope :- Applied comparison between barometric design programs and other programs.

The concept of performance design before and after barometric design applications.

Review of projects completed by participants in the Perfomative Design workshop.

The workshop managed by lecture Dr. Bilal Samir Ali and lecturer academic Aws Jwad Jaafer with the participats of a group of fourth stage Esra Mohammed Hussein, Ayat Ali Nafie, Sada Mazen, Nour Mubarak and Ghaith Laith from third stage . 

   The Department thanks all who contributed to this workshop and wish all the progress and success to serve the scientific process of our beloved Iraq.







































Last modified on Monday, 14 May 2018 08:15