Sunday, 08 September 2024 10:29

Discussion of the master's thesis titled "Urban Topophilia: A Study of Urban Spaces within Contemporary Residential Complexes" Featured

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On Thursday, September 5, 2024, the master's thesis of student Mustafa Malik Anas was discussed. The thesis is titled "Urban Topophilia: A Study of Urban Spaces within Contemporary Residential Complexes." The thesis explored the concept of "urban topophilia" and its impact on place attachment within contemporary residential complexes.

The thesis addressed the issues of spatial disorganization and the challenges facing urban spaces in vertical residential complexes due to urban development and increasing population density. This often results in a loss of spatial values and meanings and delays in meeting human needs, negatively affecting human and social interactions. The study aimed to build a theoretical framework connecting the physical, social, and symbolic characteristics of a place to enhance attachment and satisfaction, promoting human desires and stability within the place. The study used a quantitative approach, including surveys and questionnaires, and analyzed responses using statistical methods and software. The findings indicated that integrating these spatial characteristics and their various indicators contributes to enhancing place attachment, psychological comfort, and the desire for stability and residence in vertical residential complexes.

The examination committee consisted of the following esteemed members:

  • Prof. Dr. Widad Mahmoud Shuker ………..…… Chair
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Dhurgham Mazher Al-Ubaidi ………… Member
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Nada Abdul-Ma’in Hassan ………… Member
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Haidar Jasem Al-Saadi ………… Member and Supervisor

We wish the researcher and all our graduate students success and prosperity.




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Last modified on Sunday, 08 September 2024 10:32